See things ​differently ​with INVIRT

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The Server Virtualisation industry is ​experiencing an unprecedented upheaval. New ​players have are entered the feild, providing ​businesses with an araray if options. INVIRT is ​founded by veterans of the industry, with deeep ​experience accross this field.Allowing you to ​course correct with the changes, and respond ​appropriately to the changing market contitions. ​We will make recommendations that provide you the ​most cost effective solution, whilst still ​maintaining the stability and reliability you ​have come to expect.

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Virtualization Consulting Services

Women Planning Together at Work


We will alalyse your env​ironment to propose sui​table solutions to fit you​r requirements and bud​get.

Turkish Men Working at the Office

License Services

Technology is the first ​gate, licensing and how best ​to deliver it is the second ​deliverable.

Business People in a Handshake

Ongoing customer support and ​direction. We will continue ​to direct and orchestrate.

Ongoing support


What has caused the cost of ​Server Virtualization to ​increase so dramatiacally?

The industry dominant player has ​changed ownership resuling in a ​complete overhaul of the pricing ​practices. This has had a knock ​on effect accross the industry.

How is the market changing in ​resp​onse to the new price hikes?

New vendors are entering the ​market .Some options do not ​offer Enterprise support, whilst ​others only address specific use ​cases. Thorough analysis is ​required to match new offerings ​to ​business requirements.

What is the diferrence betwee​n HC​I and Server Virtualization?

Hyer-Converged Infrastructure is ​a subset of Server ​Virtualization. Hyper-Converged ​includes Storage Virtualization ​by creating a distributed ​virtual storage layer inside the ​X86 server stack. .

Get a quote or set up a consultation.
